A Look at the Effects of Cell Phone Radiation and Wireless Technology
Does cell phone radiation cause health hazards?
Evidence advanced by studies has shown prolonged exposure to even very low levels of cell phone radiation can have serious consequences. A Swedish study of cell phones, cordless phones and, rates of brain tumors in different age groups using “the Swedish National Inpatient Register” and the “Swedish Cancer Register” during 1998-2015. The Swedish National Patient Register comprises data on health care episodes in inpatient (hospital) and outpatient specialist care. The study was to further analyze trends of brain tumors of unknown type in IPR and to study the trend in different age groups and to study glioma risk associated with the use of cell phones or cordless phones in a different age group.
“A significant increased risk was found for ipsilateral use, (cell phone used on the same side of the head as the findings) with highest risk in the age group 18–39 years. No statistically significant increased risk was found for contralateral use (cell phone used on the opposite side of the head)”
What does this mean? It means that the increased risk was on the side of the head that the cell phone was held and zero increase on the side where no cell phone was held.
In March 2018 Scientific American published a study titled “New Studies Link Cell Phone Radiation with Cancer”. Launched at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s request 10 years ago, the NTP (National Toxicology Program of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) study dosed rats and mice of both sexes with radio frequency (RF) radiation at either 1.5, 3 or 6 watts of radiation per kilogram of body weight, or W/kg. The lowest dose is about the same as the Federal Communications Commission’s limit for public exposure from cell phones, which is 1.6 watts W/kg. The animals were exposed nine hours a day for two years (about the average life span for a rat), and the exposures were cranked up steadily as the animals grew, so the absorbed doses per unit body weight remained constant over time.
The studies are notable for their sizes. Researchers at the National Toxicology Program, a federal interagency group under the National Institutes of Health, tested 3,000 rats and mice of both sexes for two years—the largest investigation of RF radiation and cancer in rodents ever undertaken in the U.S. European investigators at the Ramazzini Institute in Italy were similarly ambitious; in their recent study they investigated RF effects in nearly 2,500 rats from the fetal stage until death.
Initially leaked in 2016, results from that $25-million study provided the most compelling evidence yet that RF energy may be linked to cancer in lab rodents. The strongest finding connected RF with heart schwannomas in male rats, but the researchers also reported elevated rates of lymphoma as well as cancers affecting the prostate, skin, lung, liver, and brain in the exposed animals. Rates for those cancers increased as the doses got higher but the evidence linking them with cell phone radiation specifically was weak by comparison, and the researchers could not rule out that they might have increased for reasons other than RF exposure. Paradoxically, the radiation-treated animals also lived longer than the nonexposed controls. The study results were reviewed by a panel of outside experts during a three-day meeting, they concluded there was "clear evidence" linking RF radiation with heart schwannomas and "some evidence" linking it to gliomas of the brain.
There have been earlier studies that have assessed that, at that time, there was no evidence to conclude that cell phones are a health hazard. As time goes on, cell phones are introduced to more people and the length of time of cell use increases for others.
In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer Exit Disclaimer (IARC), a component of the World Health Organization (WHO), appointed an expert Working Group to review all available evidence on the use of cell phones. The Working Group classified cell phone use as “possibly carcinogenic to humans, “These findings provide support for the hypothesis that RF-EMFs play a role both in the initiation and promotion stages of carcinogenesis”
““These findings provide support for the hypothesis that radio frequencies and electromagnetic frequencies (RF-EMFs) play a role both in the initiation and promotion stages of carcinogenesis””
There is too much evidence that point to cell phone health hazards and harmful effects to simply assume that cell phones are safe, and as time goes by more and more studies will come out. Protect yourself and your family. In today’s world, it may not be possible to eliminate cell phones, cordless phones, and wireless technology. You can, however, try to protect yourself by limiting the length of cell phone calls, using hands-free whenever possible, and texting. You should also consider using the Safe Cell which helps to reduce the cell phone health hazards of cell phone radiation. This cell phone radiation protection product has been available since 2001 and comes with a 30 day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee. Why Risk It? Try it today.