The above images show the penetration of the EMF into the brain
The Problem: Cell Phone Radiation
Studies have shown that cell phones are the cause of symptoms like headaches, insomnia, fatigue, tumors, cancer and DNA damage
The Evidence: Studies have shown the following:
New Studies Link Cell Phone Radiation with Cancer (Scientific American Report)
Brain Tumors on the rise (CNN)
Cell Phone Use and The Risk of Headache: A Systematic Review & Meta-analysis of Cross-sectional Studies (US National Library of Medicine )
DNA Damage of Lymphocytes in Volunteers after 4 hours Use of Cell Phone. (US National Library of Medicine)
The Solution
The Safe Cell was tested for Shielding Effectiveness by CIEMS (California Institute of Electronics and Materials Science)
The test concluded positively that the Safe Cell radiation shield possesses shielding effectiveness in the test frequency range 0.8 GHz - 10.525 GHz
Safe Cell is the solution to reduce the effects of cell phone radiation. Protect yourself today and make your phone, a Safe Cell phone.
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